What is the additional shipping fee?

The shipping fee is calculated based on the delivery method, consisting of both a [Base domestic shipping fee] and an [Additional domestic shipping fee]. When you buy multiple items from the same store, you'll pay the highest [Base domestic shipping fee] , plus an  [Additional domestic shipping fee] for each additional item.

Example of Applying Additional Domestic Shipping Fee:

1. When purchasing different items:

The highest "Base Shipping Fee" is selected, and the "Additional Shipping Fee" for other items is added to it to determine the total shipping fee.

2. When purchasing multiple identical items:

Select the "Base Shipping Fee" of any one item, and add the "Additional Shipping Fee" for other items to it to determine the total shipping fee.

3. When purchasing different items with the same "Base Shipping Fee":

Select the "Base Shipping Fee" corresponding to the highest "Additional Shipping Fee", and add the "Additional Shipping Fee" for other items to it to determine the total shipping fee.

Purchasing from Multiple Stores

If purchasing items from multiple stores, the shipping fee will be calculated separately for each store. The final shipping fee paid will be the sum of the shipping fees calculated for each individual store.