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Pink Brazillian Lemurian Seed DAVID GEIGER MINERALS


¥ 500,000

( ≈ -- )
0日圓 (在本店購物滿10,000日圓免運費)
~ご注文の前にプロフィール欄を必ずお読み下さい~ デイヴィッドのコレクションを譲り受けさせていただきました。採掘初期のクリスタルのためプレミア価格となっております。 From Cortinto, Brasil. from "the Mine of 21 Gates" which closed in 2003. デイヴィッドより、美しい…ただ美しいと絶賛のピンクレムリアンシードクリスタルです🫶 今後入荷予定は全くない、極めて貴重なものです。 デイヴィッドの言葉は、深く響く言葉となって胸の内に響いてきました… そして、このクリスタルが、持ち主になられる、あなたに幸運をもたらすとマスターからメッセージがおりてきました💫 デイヴィッドの直筆サインカード付きです 2023.3.21 一粒万倍日、天赦日、寅の日そして宇宙元旦の日に関東最東端の犬吠埼の朝日を浴び、エネルギーチャージをしてきました。 Having seeded our world, it is believed the race of Lemurians left the Earth-plane for other star systems when life on the planet’s surface could no longer be sustained. However, many Lemurians went into Inner-Earth and it is from that domain they still care for the Earth, and are responsible for these crystals surfacing now. This highly evolved breed of beings preserves their own unity by maintaining a clear, conscious telepathy with the ones who traveled on to other star systems. In this way, the recently surfaced Lemurian Seed Crystals assist in creating a holographic connection between Inner Earth, the surface of the Earth, and the Stellar regions. This holographic connection also links the Lemurain Seed Crystals with other crystals in, and on, the surface of the Earth; integrates the crystals with the human magnetic field; the human magnetic field with the Earth; and the Earth with the outer multi-dimensional universe. One of the main purposes of the seed crystals is to create complete holographic unity. It only requires one Lemurian Seed Crystal to holographically connect to all seed crystals. This connection forms an energy grid around the Earth which links us to inner and outer worlds. The mine which held these crystals, in Brazil, is closed and these crystals are considered now extinct.