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Learn To Ride the Wave of Life - Ride Your Wave  [SPOILER]

Today I am going to recommend to you an animation directed by Masaaki Yuasa - Ride Your Wave, a fantastical, tear-jerking, original animated film. The film was awarded the Best Animated Feature Film at the 22nd Shanghai International Film Festival in 2019.

The female character Hinako Mukaimizu, is a college student who loves surfing. She went to a strange city to go to college, but cannot take care of herself. She is also confused about the future and lacks planning for the future.

The male character Minato Hinageshi, used to being saved by a girl when he was a child, thus has had a goal of becoming a firefighter who pays for others to achieve his life values.

Minato is a steady and reliable senior at work and a perfect brother in life who always keeps life in order.

Hinako is the girl who saved Minato when he was a kid. Minato has always regarded her as his hero, while Hinako does not remember her childhood heroic deeds.

One night, Hinako's apartment building caught fire because of the illegal fireworks. She escaped to the roof of the building, and Minato as a fireman descended from the sky on a ladder just like a hero.

After Minato saves Hinako, the relationship between the two quickly gets closer. A beautiful love affair begins.

Like other couples, they surfed together in the heat of the moment, ate burgers despite their looks, hung couple locks, made omelets on the hillside at night, and went for coffee together… To hold Minato's hand every moment, Hinako even starts eating with her left hand.

Such happy days lasted for more than a year. One day, everything seems ordinary, but Minato suffers an accident.

It is said that if you ride on the waves after the snow, and you complete an air flip, then you can make a wish. Minato completed the action and made a wish. But soon he saw someone drowned in the sea. He jumped into the sea without thinking but unfortunately sacrificed.

At that time, Minato made a wish: "I hope Hinako can ride her waves and I will forever be by Hinako's side."

When Hinako learned the news, she couldn't accept the fact that he was away. The memories of being with Minato permeate every bit of Hinako's life. Coffee, omelet rice, porpoise, turtles… all were proof of their love and sweetness. It was a great pain to lose a lover at the time she loved him the most.

As the legend of making a wish was told to Minato by Hinako, Hinako was plunged into deep pain and remorse. Hinako, who used to love surfing in the sea, could no longer face the sea.

One day, Hinako finds that whenever she sings the song that belongs to them, Minato appears in the water. Minato fulfills the promise he once made to Hinako.

Minato made a promise to Hinako:" Whenever you need, call on me until you can ride the waves of life alone. Let me be your harbor."

After that, Hinako often talked to a water cup filled with water or a porpoise doll filled with water. Everything seems to return to normal. But for outsiders, Hinako lived in her fantasy world.

Things take another turn when Minato's sister accidentally finds out that the people who used to set off fireworks illegally are going to do that again in an abandoned building. To get evidence that they set off fireworks, the sister follows them behind. Hinako is worried about her so she goes with her.

As expected, the fireworks once again started a fire. This time, Minato controls the water and creates waves. Hinako no needs to be panic. She surfers on the wave to save the sister and herself.

Since this incident, Hinako was finally able to ride the waves of life by herself. Minato thus disappeared. Hinako has a goal in her life. She becomes more independent and brave and completes self-transformation.

Minato exists in her past, and his love for Hinako will last for her future.

The conclusion of the film deeply touched me. Hinako listens to the blessing that Minato had reserved for her a year ago, even though she won't have Minato by her side.

"Let's stay together for all the Christmases to come, forever and ever and ever."

As ordinary people in the world, we should be brave enough to face reality and not be afraid of beautiful things fading away. New waves always come and go, I hope everyone is brave enough to face the storms of life.

Pains need time to be flushed out, and people also need time to be relieved. Human companionship can warm and promote each other. Love makes people grow stronger, and parting is for better growth.

The anime's art style may not be popular with some people, but in my opinion, the plot can completely make up for it. The episode "Brand New Story" is sung by Ryota Katayose, the voice of Minato Hinageshi, with very nice, warm, and touching sounds.

In general, it is an excellent fantasy tear-jerking romance animation. If you are interested in it, please watch the whole film. It was worth it.

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