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What Japanese snacks or small items bring back the most nostalgic memories for you?

Each memory carries a story; behind every item lies a bundle of memories. This is why, in recent years, elements of "retro" and "nostalgia" have become so popular. In everyone's memory, what are the things that evoke a strong sense of nostalgia? Perhaps the traditional shuttlecock-kicking game? A nostalgic game of marbles? Fruit-flavored lollipops? Or maybe football-shaped chocolates?

Gustatory Nostalgia

1.Sakuma Drops

For those who have watched the classic Studio Ghibli animation "Grave of the Fireflies," they must have a profound memory of Setsuko, the younger sister of the protagonist Seita. In the movie, Setsuko's favorite candy is the "Sakuma Drops," a variety of sweet flavors that leave vibrant memories of childhood! Unfortunately, Sakuma Confectionery ceased its operations in January 2023, becoming a tear of the times.

2.Kasugai Seika Konpeito

Compared to the sweetness of fruit candies, Kinako (roasted soybean flour) Candy appears more modest and approachable. Produced by the long-established confectionery Kasugai Seika for over a century, the popular Kinako Candy comes in various flavors. Popping one into your mouth, it quickly dissolves. Its small and lightweight size makes it a convenient and often prepared snack for outings and picnics.


Speaking of "Meiji Umaibo," it's undoubtedly a favorite for everyone! Whether satisfying a craving just after class or celebrating with friends at a gathering, Umaibo is an indispensable delight. In addition to the classic creamy corn soup flavor, the savory mentaiko (spicy cod roe) flavor is also highly popular. It's not just a childhood memory but is loved by kids even today.

Retro Style

1.Mori-no-Jintan Merchandise

Celebrating its 130th anniversary this year, Morishita Jintan is a reputable brand in Japan. Limited edition Jintan merchandise always sparks lively discussions among vintage enthusiasts. The commemorative Jintan miniature lightbox released for the 130th anniversary holds significant meaning, making it a healing addition to home spaces or office desks. It is expected to cause a craze among collectors once again.


May 5th is Children's Day in Japan. If there are boys in the family, you'll see koinobori (carp streamers) hung everywhere, symbolizing the wish for children to be brave and strong. Watching the carp swim freely in the wind is both majestic and adorable. Many people who appreciate a playful atmosphere use koinobori for home decoration, evoking a sense of nostalgia!


Kendama (けん玉) is a traditional Japanese toy where a ball is tethered to a cross-shaped wooden spike. The goal is to skillfully catch the ball using coordinated movements of the body and hands. Kendama is a common pastime for children in Japan, and nearly every child has played it. The captivating feeling of hoping to successfully catch the ball makes it a fascinating and beloved activity.

Among the mentioned foods and trinkets, are there any that strike a chord with you? Occasionally, reminiscing through nostalgic items not only brings about a sense of appreciation but also prompts fond memories of childhood favorites. Perhaps, that's why these historically rich items captivate the public – they serve as a gateway to both nostalgia and the whimsical delights of the past!

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