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Must-Read Beginner's Guide to Camping! Addressing 9 Common Questions All at Once.

As a novice camper, the idea of camping is likely filled with curiosity and questions. This time, we've prepared a 'Camping Beginner's Guide Q&A' to address the nine most common questions that beginners often encounter when preparing for camping. Let's quickly clear up the uncertainties for novice campers.

#Q1. Choosing the right camping tent: tips and considerations

With a plethora of brands and styles of camping tents on the market, it can be overwhelming for beginners. Here, it is recommended that novice campers start by filtering options based on 'functionality' and 'capacity' as the initial steps.

-Choose your tent based on the functionality 

Choosing a camping tent is just like buying a house, you can choose according to your personal preference. Camping tents can be simply divided into 3 types: house-like tents, mansion-like tents, and apartment-like tents.

The first type, the 'Luxury House,' is characterized by spacious indoor space, high breathability, and high waterproofing from well-known brands such as the 'Temple Tent,' 'Indian Tent,' and 'Living Room Tent.' The second type, the 'Detached House,' offers high convenience with various configurations like one-bedroom, one-living room, or one-bedroom, two-living rooms, and even a small courtyard, making it suitable for family camping with multiple people. The third type, the 'Apartment,' includes standard 2-person tents and 4 to 6-person tents, characterized by lightweight, compact weight, and smaller storage volume.

-Choose your tent based on the number of people

In addition to considering functionality, choosing a tent based on the number of people is crucial. A larger tent is not always better. For outdoor enthusiasts who prefer camping on the move, carrying a too-large tent can be physically burdensome. Also, many camping areas have designated sizes for pitches, and an oversized tent may exceed the allotted space, requiring payment for two pitches!

Camping expert's tips:

In addition to the basic classifications mentioned earlier, camping experts suggest that beginners should consider their preferred camping style before making a purchase. It's also advisable to try renting or borrowing from friends initially, to gain practical experience. The expert himself, during the early days of camping, made the mistake of buying a 'two-bedroom, one-living-room' tent without thorough research. Later, he found out that most friends had their own tents, and the extra room was never used. When purchasing a tent, beginners should pay attention to details such as material, weight, waterproof rating, and other factors.


 #Q2: How to prepare meals when camping?

Most camping sites are located outdoors, away from urban areas, and beginners often worry about how to prepare meals while camping. First of all, when selecting a camping site, try to find one that provides groceries or offers meal services. If you insist on preparing your own meals without bringing too many ingredients and tools, you can opt for hot pot or barbecue for dinner. For those who are new to outdoor camping and hiking, it's recommended to bring dry rations and simple instant noodles, as they only require boiling water to prepare.

Camping expert's tips:

When preparing meals as camping beginners, remember to inquire whether the campsite allows activities like barbecuing or cooking. Also, pay attention to the altitude of the camping area. In high-altitude or low-temperature environments, gas may not vaporize and burn efficiently due to low temperatures, making it difficult to use stoves or cook hot pot. Experts suggest renting a specialized portable stove with wind guards and heat conductors and preparing simple instant noodles to avoid undercooked meals. Additionally, it's essential to bring a cooler or insulated bag to prevent food spoilage. If you don't have a cooler, you can find a foam box at a market or store and pair it with ice or dry ice.

#Q3: What is the difference between sleeping bags and sleeping pad?

During the first camping experience, aside from knowing how to prepare a sleeping bag, novice campers often ask about sleeping pads, wondering if they are the same as inflatable air mattresses. Below, I'll provide a detailed introduction to the three essentials inside the tent, hoping to help camping newcomers distinguish them more clearly for their next camping adventure!

-Sleeping bag

A sleeping bag is indispensable equipment for every camper, the material is mainly divided into down and artificial fiber. Is better to choose your sleeping bag depending on the season you plan to go camping. Down is better at keeping warm, and the fill power distinguishes the level of warmth, the larger the number the stronger the effect of warmth. 

I suggest that if you are planning to camp in summer or autumn, use an artificial fiber sleeping bag. On the other hand, choose a down sleeping bag with a fill power of 300 if you are camping during the wintertime. If you happen to climb at a high altitude or during a cold current coming when the temperature is only in the single digits. I recommended choosing a down sleeping bag with a fill power of 600.

-Sleeping pad

The sleeping mat we often refer to is the one laid inside the tent, a firm foam mattress, 0.8 millimeters thick, rolled into a cylindrical shape. It helps make the ground sleeping surface more comfortable, provides insulation, and serves as a barrier against moisture to prevent the sleeping bag from getting damp. However, for camping beginners, especially in typical campsites, it is advisable to also prepare an inflatable pad to avoid waking up with a sore back the next day!

-Inflatable mattress

There are various types of inflatable mattresses available in the market, aside from the distinctions in size and whether they are designed for single or double occupancy. They can be categorized into automatic and manual inflation. As the name suggests, automatic inflation occurs when the mattress is laid out, expanding automatically. However, the resulting firmness after automatic inflation is relatively low, making it less comfortable to sleep on. On the other hand, manual inflation requires the user to inflate the mattress themselves using their breath, a pump, or even an electric air pump. While it may be more cumbersome, manual inflation allows for personalized adjustments in firmness, leading to a more comfortable sleep experience.

In addition to the inflation method, it's crucial to consider the thickness of the inflatable mattress. The thicker the mattress, the higher the level of comfort it provides, but this comes at the expense of increased weight and volume.

Camping expert's tips

The trio of essentials inside the tent is crucial knowledge for every camping novice. Before setting out on a camping adventure, it's essential to assess the camping environment and mode of transportation to choose the right gear. Getting started with a sleeping bag is a low-entry yet highly versatile choice, making it a recommended item to directly purchase, especially a 300-fill down sleeping bag for its superior usability. As for sleeping mats, experts suggest they are a must-have for any camping style, and the choice between an inflatable mat or a moisture-resistant ground mat depends on individual preferences. Personally, experts often opt for the basic moisture-resistant ground mat combined with a manually inflatable, thick air mattress, keeping the entry threshold low and allowing for easy customization based on individual needs, ultimately reducing the overall volume of camping gear.


#Q4 What should I do when it rains?

For camping beginners, the most concerning situation is often encountering rain. If you're genuinely worried about rainy weather or have activities planned that can't be canceled, here are three crucial considerations and solutions.

Solution 1: When booking a campsite, it's advisable to confirm if the site has shelters or rainproof spaces available for changing locations during rainy days.

Solution 2: If no designated site is prepared, having a large canopy is essential. Setting up tents under the canopy helps avoid getting wet, and activities can continue under its shelter.

Solution 3: Before camping, ensure that your tent has a rainfly, and check its waterproof rating. If there's no designated rain shelter, you can still carry out activities directly in the living area of the tent.

Camping expert's tips

During rainy days, grassy areas tend to become muddy and waterlogged, while gravel grounds may have loose and soft soil. If the campsite happens to be in a windy location and the tent isn't adequately secured, there's a high risk of pegs being pulled out, especially during the night. The expert's first experience camping in the rain taught them that renting a canopy might seem like a solution, but with small L pegs and soft, muddy soil during rain, the canopy was pulled out within a minute. Ultimately, with the help of fellow campers, larger pegs were used, and the canopy was relocated to barely make it through the night. Therefore, the expert recommends that camping beginners prioritize campsites that offer rainproof areas. If you still want to attempt camping in such conditions, it's advisable to prepare pegs larger than 42 centimeters and use large, robust pegs in a crisscross pattern. Additionally, have extra guy ropes and secure them to stable structures such as lampposts or railings in the camping area.

#Q5: How to shower while camping?

Many camping grounds nowadays provide facilities and space for washing up. Camping beginners just need to ensure this before booking a campsite. For those engaged in outdoor or mountain camping, remember not to wear cotton clothing. Opt for moisture-wicking and breathable fabrics to prevent sweat and moisture buildup.

Camping expert's tips

Camping should ideally be a nature-friendly way of traveling. While many camping sites now provide washing facilities, not all of them have proper wastewater treatment. It is advisable for camping beginners to use minimal or eco-friendly cleaning products to reduce environmental impact and help preserve our forests. Additionally, when booking a campsite, it's recommended to confirm with the campsite owner about the type and quantity of water heaters available. Electric water heaters offer a continuous and stable hot water supply but may face shortages during peak usage. Personally, the expert seeks campsites equipped with individual gas water heaters for each restroom. Before showering, it's wise to check the gas level in the gas tank located behind the bathroom to avoid the unfortunate scenario of running out of hot water midway through the camping shower.


#Q6: How to choose a camping site?

Often, camping beginners inquire about how to choose a camping site and what considerations to keep in mind. I've divided the key points into five aspects for your reference. It's essential for camping novices to carefully go through them to ensure a smoother and safer camping experience.

Camping Site Altitude:

When choosing a camping site, remember to check the altitude of the campsite. High-altitude areas often experience diverse climate changes, and temperatures tend to drop as the altitude increases. Many scenic camping sites are also located in windy areas. Camping beginners should be attentive to preparing extra large tent pegs and guy ropes to reinforce tent stability. I recommend starting with lower-altitude campsites where weather conditions are relatively stable, gradually gaining experience before venturing to higher altitudes.

Camping Site Pitches:

When selecting a campsite, I recommend camping beginners first assess their equipment and then check the size of the camping pitches to avoid tents exceeding the designated space. Additionally, confirm the geological features of the pitch—whether it's grassy, gravel, concrete, or wooden platforms. For instance, canopies and cooking tents cannot be used directly on concrete; they must be suspended using ropes. If concerned about weather conditions, consider choosing a campsite that provides shelter from wind and rain.

Camping Site Facilities

In addition to confirming the camping gear you bring, it's essential to check the facilities provided by the campsite. Ensure if each pitch has a separate handwashing area, individual power sockets, washing facilities, hairdryers, communal refrigerators, water dispensers, and more. Also, you can inquire with the campsite owner whether they offer rental services for camping equipment.

Camping Site Accessibility:

After confirming the campsite facilities, the accessibility of the camping site is also crucial. Some campsites are located in remote mountain areas, making it challenging to reach even by car. Common issues may include difficulties in navigating due to the campsite's secluded address, poor road conditions making it challenging for non-four-wheel-drive vehicles to access, or vehicles with low engine capacity experiencing power issues at high altitudes.

Camping Site Legitimacy:

The issue of legality has always been a significant concern. Many camping sites have complete facilities and convenient transportation, and they strive to obtain legal camping licenses. It is hoped that the government will establish more comprehensive mechanisms in the future. However, at the current stage, I recommend that camping beginners, especially those unfamiliar with camping activities, try to choose camping sites with legal licenses for added safety assurance.

Camping expert's tips

If you want to find a legal camping site, you can start with a basic textual analysis. According to the law, camping areas must be located within leisure farms to apply for legal licenses. However, this can only be considered as the simplest initial judgment. It's best to directly inquire with the campsite. Nevertheless, the expert suggests that camping beginners, especially in their first few camping experiences, should ideally join experienced camping friends. Choose campsites at lower altitudes with complete facilities and convenient transportation. Once you've gained some experience, you can then venture into the breathtaking camping sites recommended by seasoned campers.

#Q7: How to handle the waste generated during camping?

Camping activities inevitably generate some trash, and while most camping sites provide garbage bins, I still recommend fellow campers to bring back some of their manageable waste for proper disposal at home. It's essential to ensure effective recycling and sorting of garbage, as well as to avoid using disposable utensils to reduce the potential environmental pollution caused by camping.

Moreover, before turning off the lights at night, make sure to properly pack away any food and securely cover the garbage bins, perhaps placing a stone on top, to prevent the scent of food remnants from attracting nearby wildlife for a midnight snack!

Camping expert's tips

In terms of food preparation, camping beginners can take inspiration from the expert's approach. Before setting out, process the ingredients at home and store them in reusable containers. Place these containers in a cooler or icebox with cooling capabilities. After cooking, a simple wash of the containers makes them ready to be brought back home. Outdoors, it's crucial for everyone to practice the principle of "Leave No Trace," ensuring that no garbage is left on the ground. If, for any reason, some waste must be discarded at the campsite, please pack it up properly and avoid littering casually.


#Q8: What should I pack for camping?

Tent-related items: Tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, inflatable mattress.

Camping-related items: Canopy, living area tent, roll-up table, camping chair, camping lantern, waterproof LED light strip, extension cord.

Cooking-related items: Camping stove, pots and pans, utensils, basin, cool box, water, ingredients.

Camping expert's tips

The mentioned equipment above can be selected based on the specific needs of each camping trip. Create a checklist and allocate tasks among group members to prepare different items. Before departure, go through the list to ensure that everyone has what they need, minimizing the risk of bringing unnecessary duplicate equipment to the campsite.

#Q9: What if there is no camping equipment?

Camping beginners often feel eager to purchase equipment initially. I recommend everyone to start by buying their own sleeping bag, and for other gear, consider renting from camping equipment stores or look for campsites that offer equipment rental. Once you become familiar with and understand the functions and differences of various equipment, as well as your own needs, you can then invest in camping gear.

Camping expert's tips

When renting camping equipment from a rental store, it's crucial for camping beginners to inspect the condition of the gear before accepting it. For items you are unfamiliar with, ask the store for guidance on proper usage. If renting from a campsite, confirm with the campsite owner that they can reserve the necessary equipment for you, or arrive early to secure your gear. When renting equipment, inform the store about the camping location and conditions so that experienced staff can provide advice on any equipment shortcomings. 

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