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Have you ever been curious about what clothes brand Japanese girls like? The popularity of their new year luck bag might be one reliable reference. This time I’m going to talk about 12 popular women's clothing brands in Japan!


SNIDEL has a concept of "street meets formal", with a formal and elegant design and a slice of cuteness in it. The design of clothes is always simple but still adds a little bit of fun. Many Japanese girls like the fact that SNIDEL's clothes can show their body shape perfectly, and give people an elegant feel. Even though SNIDEL is on the pricy side but because of their high quality, their clothes are still very popular among people. Their end-of-the-year lucky bag, Fukubukuro, always sold out in a very short period. 


The slogan of URBAN RESEARCH is "make it UR color" which shows that they really care about the color choices in their design. Their design is usually pretty simple and suitable for all different age groups. URBAN RESEARCH also has many sub-brands and different choices for fukubukuro. You need time just to think about which fukubukuro to buy.


If only using a single phrase to describe MISCH MASCH's style is sweet and sophisticated. The central theme is refined and has a very feminist style, a typical Japanese fashion brand. Even though this brand is designed for women in their late teens to their late 20s, many people still wear their clothes after their 20s.


The design for FRAY I.D is very fitting for office ladies. They try to include both classic and trendy in their clothing. Using high-quality fabric on their clothes, make people look elegant and intelligent at the same time. Because a full set of clothes from FRAY I.D is not really affordable for many people, their fukubukuro which only cost 10,000 JPY but has a full set of clothing is really popular. It could be sold out really quickly.


Denim, Standard, Vintage, Culture: these 4 themes always surrounded MOUSSY's design. To match all different situations like work, formal, casual, etc. Rather than showing the feminine side of women, their clothes choose to show the tough side of women. MOSSY doesn't have a particular item in their Fukubukuro, their Fukubukuro is random with every single bag having different items in it. You can feel the excitement of not knowing what will you get from their Fukubukuro. 


Their concept is "NEW STANDARD ELEGANCE", offering elegant clothes and accessories of high quality. People comment that their style is like coming from a wealthy family from Kobe. Suitable for wearing to an office. 

7. Lily Brown

The impression of Lily Brown is "Elegant"! Stating "Vintage FUture Dress" as their concept, their vintage style of design differentiates them from other clothing brands. Their high quality and pay attention to detail makes the clothes cause more compared to other, but their fashion can be worn for a long period of time without falling out of trend. The brand is loved by women in different age groups, and every single year their Fukuburo is one of the most popular ones. 

8. earth music&ecology

Famous for their advertisement by Miyazaki Aoi "What are you going to wear for tomorrow? (あした、なに着て生きていく?)", the clothing brand Earth music&exology designs casual Japanese fashion clothing. Their design is simple and trendy at the same time. Also is more affordable compared to others. 

9. ikka

Ikka is known as the fashion brand for the family. Ikks states "Smart dressing, smart living" as their concept to supply men's and women's clothes and other fashion items. Their product takes into account price, quality, and design. Their target customers are families in their 30s. Even their Fukubukuro have both boy and girl clothing choices.


INGNI is one of the popular brands among Japanese young people. The brand name has the meaning of "frequently changing and evolving". From top to bottom, there are many sweet and cute clothing options for you to choose from. Their price is also not too expensive, so girls who like fashion can have more different combinations of clothes. 

11. gelato pique

The well-beloved loungewear brand gelato pique has the concept of "dessert for adults". Not only has a cute design but also with fluffy and comfortable fabric that when you put them on you would never want to take them off again. They have loungewear options for both men and women, and even for children and babies. Because their items are pretty luxury normally, their Fukubukuro as their cheaper option can be sold out within a really short time period. 

12. one after another NICE CLAUP

The brand has a "Cute and casual style for girls who have a huge curiosity" as its concept. The design is both fashionable and cute and is suitable for many situations. Their target customers are girls around 10~20, but after they gained more and more popularity, their design right now is not for any particular age group anymore. They also have many choices for Fukubukuro, you can choose based on your style. 

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