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ReLIFE - A Realistic Anime Worth Watching

Here's this guy, who finally got into college after repeating entrance exams for two years. Following that, he pursued graduate studies and secured a job. However, shortly after starting the job, he resigned and is now barely making ends meet by doing odd jobs, still without a stable job at the age of 27.

Looking at the paragraph above, it might come across as somewhat bleak. However, this depicts the current predicament of the protagonist in the anime we are about to introduce to you. If given the opportunity to return to high school and begin anew, what would you choose? I reckon most individuals aren't entirely content with their current circumstances, so I presume that the majority would opt for a second chance if presented with the opportunity.

Alright, let's delve into the storyline. The anime is titled "ReLife," and its protagonist, Hishiro, is the individual we discussed earlier. Following a gathering, the male lead encounters a person named Yoake, who introduces himself as being from the ReLife Research Institute.

Kaizaki is chosen as a participant in the ReLife experiment, which spans a year. During this time, he will redo his final year of high school at a designated school. All his living expenses will be covered, and he will also have the chance to be introduced to job opportunities. These two conditions are absolutely pivotal for him!

Finally, he ended up becoming this test subject somewhat unwittingly, but rest assured, it's not APTX4869~

Naturally, for the male lead who has grown accustomed to a mundane existence, it's understandable that he might find the situation somewhat bothersome. However, whether he decides to seize this opportunity as a chance to transform his life or to persist with his current NEET lifestyle, the ultimate choice rests entirely with the male lead himself.

However, after so many years, returning to high school again might still feel a bit uncomfortable. After all, while the body may be young, the mind remains at 27 years old. He can only wait for these youthful and energetic individuals to gradually influence him.

However, when he actually arrives in the classroom, he discovers that Yoake is also a student in the same class, and has been there since the second year of high school. What could this mean? It leaves us with a cliffhanger!

On his first day of school, he faces an unexpected exam. However, having long lost the habit of attending classes, he not only forgets to bring stationery but also astonishingly carries a pack of cigarettes in his bag. Initially, he doesn't grasp the seriousness of the situation, but eventually, it dawns on him: this is a school!

And so, on the first day of school, he manages to create quite a few mishaps, marking the beginning of his journey to reshape his life...

Actually, I really enjoy recommending anime like this. I believe that good works should be able to give people vitality in life and help more people move forward and be good.

The anime is currently having a high score of 8.00 in MyAnimeList. I think the score does not only shows the popularity among the audiences but also shows the interest of returning to youth. You may see some youths on the street who do not care about their precious time. We as elders may feel a little regret about them.

Looking at the male lead being able to relive his youth, many of us can't help but feel a bit envious, because we know that our past youth is more precious than anything else!

Many negative reviews for the male lead stem from a sense of denial, but I actually think it's unnecessary. Whether it's anyone else, stepping into society doesn't necessarily make them better than the male lead. Revisiting youth might even make you more cautious than the male lead. It's a bit like receiving a treasure and being afraid of accidentally damaging it.

And in certain situations, you can also sense the maturity of the male lead's 27-year-old soul. Honestly, everyone hopes for eternal youth and the experience to handle any trouble, but the reality is that such things simply don't exist!

I highly recommend everyone to watch the anime. Many students are familiar with the phrase "A young idler, an old beggar," and like myself, knew it even while still in school. However, being aware of the phrase doesn't prevent me from squandering my youth. I always believe in "crossing the bridge when one comes to it," but who knows if that will actually hold true?

May every friend cherish the beauty of time, not wasting any precious moment, and together, let's continue moving towards a brighter future.

Alright, no more words needed, go watch it! This anime is worth it!

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