CHANEL’s bag is always many girls’ dream bag because of its status among all the luxury brands. If you have a budget for buying a luxury bag, why not check out my recommendation on CHANEL’s bag? Except for CHANEL 2.55 and Flap bags, other CHANEL bags like BOY CHANEL and GABRIELLE is also worth checking out.
2.55 is designed by Coco Chanel herself. It is also the first bag with a strap attached to the bag. This design would free women’s hands and change the enter women’s bag history. This bag comes with all the Chanel iconic designs: the diamond-quilted leather, the iconic oblong twist-lock, the dark red inner, and the pockets and the divider.
The flap bag is also another classic. The flap bag is improved from the 2.55 by Karl Lagerfeld. He changed the original Mademoiselle lock into a double C logo. He also changed the material used for the bag: he replaced the old-fashioned leather with leather which makes the shape of the bag more in structure and more recognizable. The flap bag became the most recommended type when you first get into Chanel bags.
The adjustable ball chain is very well designed and also gives the bag many potentials. The adjustable chain made the bag can be used as a shoulder bag, handbag, and more! The bag is also very suitable for people with a smaller height. The bag also has the same structure of a 2.55 so it definitely worth buying.
The CHANEL’s small backpack has all the classical features. With the diamond-shaped quilting pattern made of leather, the bag would not give you a childish feeling. Even though it is a small backpack, you can fit many things into this small bag. Also, there are many ways to carry the bag: single shoulder, or double shoulder; you can even turn it into a handbag. CHANEL’s backpack is good to retain its value, so it is also a great invest bag choice!
Compared to 2.55 and cf, the BOY CHANEL handbag has less feminity and less curve. The BOY CHANEL handbag has a rectangular shape which gives the bag more structure. The bag also has a double C logo. In general, the BOY CHANEL handbag has a more masculine and edgy look when compared to other CHANEL bags. The length of the leather strap can be easily changed thus you can have it as a shoulder bag or a hand bag. Many celebrities also enjoy this bag.
If you want more elegance in the design then don’t miss the CHANEL 19 HANDBAG! It enlarged the diamond-shaped quilting pattern of the CF bags, and the stitch of the bag can be easily seen. Apart from this, they have a little twist on the double C lock on the bag. The material of the double C lock is made of chains to contrast with the chain strap on the bag. The innovative design made CHANEL 19 many girls' favorites!