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¥ 14,105
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Viewブランド | oneida |
個数 | 5 |
材質 | ステンレス鋼 |
色 | シルバー |
仕上げタイプ | ポリッシュド |
商品の重量 | 340 g |
防汚性あり | はい |
食器洗い機対応 | はい |
UPC | 078737127055 |
GTIN (Global Trade Identification Number) | 00078737127055 |
メーカー | Oneida |
型番 | 2275005A |
梱包サイズ | 26.6 x 6.8 x 4.6 cm |
素材 | ステンレス鋼 |
色 | シルバー |
サイズ | 5 Piece |
梱包重量 | 0.36 キログラム |
電池使用 | いいえ |
電池付属 | いいえ |
ブランド名 | oneida |
原産国 | インドネシア共和国 |
商品重量 | 340 g |
Sheraton flatware from Oneida features 3-dimensional styling on its generously proportioned handles. The pattern combines rope-beading at the handle edges and a flourish crown motif at the pointed tip. Crafted from high-quality 18/10 stainless steel, Sheraton pieces are 18 percent chrome for maximum corrosion-resistance and 10 percent nickel for rich luster. Full service for 1, this place setting includes a 6-1/2-inch teaspoon, 7-1/8-inch place spoon, 9-1/4-inch place knife, 8-1/4-inch place fork, and 7-inch salad fork. The set is dishwasher-safe, has a gleaming mirror finish, and carries a lifetime warranty. Sheraton is also part of Oneida's Flatware for a Lifetime program, so you can add to your collection for as long as you like. --Emily Bedard
Whats in the Box
1 place setting. Each place setting consists of: 6-1/2-inch teaspoon; 7-1/8-inch place spoon; 9-1/4-inch place knife; 8-1/4-inch place fork; 7-inch salad fork. 5 pieces total.
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