メーカーにより製造中止になりました : | いいえ |
電池 : | 1 リチウムイオン 電池 |
言語 : | 英語 |
製品サイズ : | 25.4 x 12.45 x 6.1 cm; 230 g |
ASIN : | B001T8W2LW |
商品モデル番号 : | 045496718749 |
Modern handheld gaming has long been dominated by Nintendo and Sony. Each hardware manufacturer has multiple viable offerings derived either directly, or evolving from the respective DS and PlayStation Portable product lines. All of these devices are impressive multifunctional devices, with designs meant to encourage gameplay on the go, integration with the Internet, backwards compatibility to previous games, and so on, but each goes about this in different ways. Taking a few minutes to examine the main features, and getting more familiar with available options, accessories and possible limitations of each handheld is the optimal way to determine which is the best choice for a player.
The wireless revolution in personal electronics has made online functionality and connectivity to the Internet a huge focus in handheld gaming. Every handheld console has an online arena that has either been built specifically for it, or that has been adapted to suit the needs of online players. By utilizing these portals players can greatly expand their chosen platform's potential, maximize gaming fun and increase the overall entertainment value of their devices.
The Nintendo eShop is your one-stop shop for exciting downloadable games, videos, applications, and so much more. Discover all-new 3D software, plus legendary titles from gaming past remastered in 3D. Revisit with classic portable "Virtual Console" games starring Mario, Link, many other faces from the Nintendo catalog of games. Gain access to hundreds of previously released DSiWare games, applications and much more. Browsing the Nintendo eShop is incredibly easy, and fun. Find any title in seconds, then view screenshots, game info, and even video to help you make your purchase. You'll even find details and 3D video of Nintendo 3DS games available at retail stores. All games are able to be saved in your own custom wishlist so you can always remember the titles you want to get.
DSiWare through the DSi Shop is a service that allows DSi players to download games and applications directly to their handheld console in exchange for DSi Points purchased through a local retailer. Experience new and innovative gameplay, fresh takes on the classics-and much more. Just shop, download, and enjoy. Visiting the DSi Shop is easy, just establish wireless broadband connection, click on the Nintendo DSi Shop icon from your menu screen and browse the shop and use Nintendo DSi Points. Games and applications can be saved to SD cards (sold separately).
PlayStation Network is an all access pass not only to a world of gaming, but also one of entertainment at-large. The service is 100% free, only requiring a PlayStation handheld (or a PS3) and a broadband connection to the Internet Once you are in visit the PlayStation Store where users can download games, first run and classic movies, previews, DLC add-ons for games, game demos, music and original PlayStation oriented streaming video content. Purchases can be made using a credit card or a PlayStation Network Card purchased offline. Content can be stored on external media or within the hard drive of the PSPgo.
* Existing Netflix unlimited membership account required.
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¥ 684
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¥ 4,780
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¥ 4,950
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¥ 9,000
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¥ 7,800
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¥ 659
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¥ 2,800
¥ 2,800
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¥ 5,280
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¥ 1,337
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¥ 7,000
¥ 3,300
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¥ 599
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¥ 5,800
¥ 5,799
ニンテンドー DSi 本体のみ ブラック
¥ 2,000
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¥ 399
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¥ 2,400
¥ 2,400
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¥ 1,650
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¥ 569
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¥ 4,880
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¥ 5,000
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¥ 6,530
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¥ 3,000
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¥ 3,900
¥ 3,900
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¥ 1,499
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¥ 3,900
¥ 3,900
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¥ 5,400
¥ 5,400
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¥ 817
¥ 5,500
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¥ 5,980
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¥ 3,800
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¥ 248
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¥ 5,590
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¥ 3,900
¥ 3,900
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¥ 3,000
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¥ 620
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¥ 7,800
Nintendo DS i マットブラック 本体 20250211(YM)
¥ 3,760
¥ 5,500
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¥ 1,266
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¥ 610
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¥ 11
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¥ 5,680
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¥ 3,900
¥ 3,900
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¥ 569
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¥ 12
美品 ニンテンドーDsi ブラック 即日発送 game 任天堂 本体 あすつく 土日祝発送OK
¥ 5,500
¥ 5,500
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¥ 699
¥ 1,650
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¥ 7,980
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¥ 9,000
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¥ 11,480
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¥ 50,000
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¥ 3,900
¥ 3,900
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¥ 4,900
¥ 4,900
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¥ 3,900
¥ 3,900
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¥ 1,780
¥ 4,400
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¥ 6,600
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¥ 6,980
¥ 6,980
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¥ 368
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¥ 10,000
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¥ 11,406
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¥ 12,800
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¥ 1,780
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¥ 10,538
¥ 4,400
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¥ 6,800
¥ 6,800
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¥ 15,000
¥ 13,290
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¥ 1,599
15 ニンテンドー DS LL 本体 WAP-002(JPN) ブラック ジャンク品 リペア 部品取り Nintendo
¥ 4,723
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¥ 12,480
¥ 12,480
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¥ 780
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¥ 2,800
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¥ 5,980
¥ 5,980
¥ 5,500
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¥ 2,792
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¥ 6,990
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¥ 18,363
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¥ 2,200
DSi 本体 ブラック
¥ 4,555
¥ 4,555
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¥ 12,117
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¥ 5,000
¥ 5,000
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¥ 280
¥ 5,500
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¥ 11,000
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¥ 5,860
¥ 5,680
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¥ 659
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¥ 8,500
¥ 8,500
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¥ 5,080
¥ 5,080
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¥ 1,222
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¥ 22,000
E47【中古・美品】 NINTENDOニンテントーDSI Black 7588
¥ 10,300
Nintendo DS ブラック
¥ 3,300
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