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¥ 1,790
¥ 1,990
ブランド | Dermacol |
商品体積 | 15 ミリリットル |
商品寸法 (長さx幅x高さ) | 10.2 x 7.6 x 10.2 cm |
商品の個数 | 1 |
商品の形状 | クリーム |
ユニット数 | 1 個 |
製品サイズ | 10.16 x 7.62 x 10.16 cm; 30 g |
商品タイプ | クリーム |
対象性別 | ユニセックス |
Intense rejuvenating eye and lips cream fights visible signs of skin aging around the eyes and lips. The high content of collagen and hyaluronic acid smoothes and rejuvenates the skin. It helps to reduce eye swelling. Reduces and fills fine wrinkles. The results of a clinical study have shown that your skin will look younger, fresh and more rested after 14 days of regular use.Suitable for all ages from 35 years. USE: In the morning and evening, apply the cream in the required amount around the eyes and lips, gently tap. Your skin around your eyes and lips will look younger, fresh and smooth after 14 days of daily use. BENEFITS: With collagen and hyaluronic acid, without perfume, dermatologically tested. Volume: 15 ml
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