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品牌 Whole Meat
商品重量 500 克
单位计数 10.00 本
制造商 Whole Meat


  • 也可用于BBQ、煎锅、蒸饭! 法国产香肠
  • 500克大容量包
  • 薄皮紧紧地挤出肉汁
  • 香草和香料都很容易食用的香草
  • 500克、原产国:法国、冷冻配送(保质期最低一个月)

即使在BBQ中也很受欢迎的Siapula皮革轻薄,细长的形状。 不使用草本和香料,简单的混合生肉在羊肠中。

烧烤或煎锅烤制、烤肉、食用方法可根据喜好选择。 请尽情欣赏肉味的味道。

西博塔是原汁原味的意大利料理,如今其深受雪佛兰爱称而深受法国人士喜爱的香肠。 意大利人把苏打和洋葱调配,去除洋葱,成为现代的法国人气香肠。

Star of barbecues, the chipolata has a thin and elongated shape. It is most often prepared without any added herbs or spices. It is wrapped in a sheep casing, more elastic and easier to work. Chipolatas are made with raw sausage meat.

They can also be roasted, fry panned, boiled, your imagination is the only limit, and they will always deliver that meaty & piggy flavour that we all love so much.

If the chipolata or more commonly known has "chipo" is French, the origin of its name is Italian. Indeed, the word "cipollatta" designates an onion confit that the Italians garnished with sausages. This appellhation as crossed the Alps to become a French specialty "without" onions.