¥ 10.890
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¥ 4.730
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素材構成 | 100% 綿 |
【生地から作って45年の和装のプロが作った高品質甚平です。】 木綿織物で外見の美に様々な工夫をしています The cotton fabric is used to make various appearances. 明治維新当時、徳島県の阿宅村の織女 At the time of the Meiji Restoration, Orihime in Ataka-mura, Tokushima Prefecture “海部ハナ Hana Kaifu”が雨に濡れそぼって縮んだ布に出来た凹凸をヒントに苦心研究の末考案したといいます。 経糸(たていと)の張力差を利用して独自のシボを出すのが特徴です It is said that it was devised after painstaking research, using the unevenness of the cloth that was wetted by the rain and shrunk as a hint. The feature is that it creates a unique grain by utilizing the tension difference of the warp. 当店では生地の品質に独自の品質基準をもって生産しています In our shop, we produce our fabrics with our own quality standards . The detailed picture of the fabric is taken with CANON single-lens reflex camera, and the customer sees it exactly.
¥ 10.890
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¥ 4.510
¥ 22.987
¥ 3.190
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