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¥ 135,000

( ≈ -- )

¥ 0

ブランド 八女茶
商品の形状 粉末
風味 Matcha
茶葉種 抹茶
ユニット数 1.00 袋
商品の個数 1
パッケージ情報 パウチ
商品の重量 300 グラム
メーカー Mukoh Matcha


  • ✅「八女伝統本玉露」の茶葉は、茶摘みに熟練した人が、新芽の先の柔らかい部分のみを「手摘み」したものでなくてはなりません。「八女伝統本玉露」は、熟練の生産者が1年間手塩にかけて育て、ごくわずかな量しか生産されない為、大変希少で、「幻の一滴」と呼ばれています。
  • ✅ The tea leaves used for "Yame Dento Hon Gyokuro" (Yame Traditonal Authentic Gyokuro) must be carefully hand-picked by skilled individuals, selecting only the softest parts of the new tea buds. "Yame Dento Hon Gyokuro" is grown by experienced producers who dedicate an entire year to its cultivation. Due to its limited production and exceptional quality, it is considered extremely rare and often referred to as the "elixir of the gods" or the "drop of heaven.
  • ✅「八女伝統本玉露」は、普通の玉露とも、一線を引かれており、最高品質を誇る八女産の玉露とでさえ区別されている格別、特別の玉露で、国のGI認定を受けています。通常の玉露と異なり、「八女伝統本玉露」を名乗れる玉露は、製造方法にいくつかの厳しい決まりがあり、その製造方法に沿って生産された玉露しか名乗ることができません。
  • ✅ Yame Dento Hon Gyokuro" (Yame Traditonal Authentic Gyokuro) is a special type of Gyokuro tea that stands out even among other high-quality Yame-grown Gyokuro teas. It has been awarded Japan's Geographical Indication (GI) certification. To be labeled as "Yame Dento Hon Gyokuro," it must be produced using specific and strict manufacturing methods, which sets it apart from regular Gyokuro tea. Only tea produced using these specific methods can bear the name "Yame Dento Hon Gyokuro.
  • ✅ 日本茶のなかで最高峰の『八女伝統本玉露』は、被覆方法に4つの決まりがあります。 1.茶樹を直接覆わず「棚をつくる」、2.枝葉を刈らずに伸ばす「自然仕立て」、3.藁などの「天然素材」を使い、4.機械を使わず「手摘み」することです。 一切妥協を許さない、栽培方法を続けてこそのおいしさです。
  • ✅ The top-tier "Yame Traditional Authentic Gyokuro" stands out among all, with four key rules for its cultivation method. The tea trees are not directly covered but grown under a "shelf," they are naturally grown without trimming, and only natural materials like straw are used for covering, with no machines involved in the "hand-picking" process. Only by sticking to these uncompromising cultivation methods can the tea achieve its unparalleled flavor.
  • 🍵 Japanese Tea Treasure: Yame Traditional Authentic Gyokuro is one of the finest and rarest tea varieties in the world of Japanese tea.
  • 🍵 Limited Production: With its uniqueness, it accounts for a mere 0.013% of Japan's entire tea production, making it exceptionally rare.
  • 🍵 Recognized Worldwide: It has received accolades, including a 20-year streak of winning first place in the National Tea Appraisal Competition and achieving the grand prize in the Japanese Tea Contest in Paris, earning praise both domestically and internationally.
  • 🍵 GI Certification: It holds the prestigious "GI certification" recognized by the Japanese government, safeguarding the quality and origin of this exceptional tea.

