¥ 5,391
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¥ 5,391
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梱包サイズ : | 17 x 13.6 x 1.5 cm; 80 g |
Resident Evil 4 Gold Edition includes Resident Evil 4 and two additional items of content: Separate Ways, where you experience the story through Ada Wong's perspective, and the Extra DLC Pack, which contains additional character outfits as well as useful weapons and items. Resident Evil 4 joins Leon S. Kennedy 6 years after the biological disaster in Raccoon City. Leon S. Kennedy tracks the president's missing daughter to a secluded European village, where there is something terribly wrong with the villagers. Featuring modernized gameplay, a reimagined storyline, and vividly detailed graphics, Resident Evil 4 marks the rebirth of an industry juggernaut. Relive the nightmare that revolutionized survival horror. Separate Ways reimagines and builds upon the bonus content from the original game to deliver an expanded new adventure. The story sees the enigmatic Ada Wong infiltrating the European village controlled by Los Iluminados under orders from Albert Wesker to seize the group’s darkest secret: a powerful substance known as “the Amber.” This dangerous assignment leads to an unexpected reunion with Leon S. Kennedy, presenting another perspective on the game’s narrative that answers lingering questions from the main campaign. The Extra DLC Pack brings with it a host of costumes and screen filters to customize your game, as well as an expanded treasure map revealing additional items to find and trade on Leon’s mission, and the powerful Sentinel Nine and Skull Shaker weapons.
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