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¥ 6.336
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Ver製品サイズ : | 0.89 x 31.24 x 31.09 cm; 462.66 g |
メーカー : | Dissonance |
EAN : | 5013929024472 |
製造元リファレンス : | DISS20244LP |
オリジナル盤発売日 : | 2025 |
レーベル : | Dissonance |
ASIN : | B0DG362RJP |
ディスク枚数 : | 2 |
Brand new 14 track album from British metal legends. Tokyo Blade. Hailing from Wiltshire, and formed in 1982, Tokyo Blade was initially considered part of the NWOBHM scene but quickly outgrew the tag, enduring over the course of 13 studio albums and five EPs. Producing genuine early classics such as their self- titled debut and follow up 'Night of the Blade', the band went through multiple line-up changes over the years and yet continued to enjoy the support of the metal community and diehard fans across the globe. Initially joining forces with Dissonance for 2020's 'Dark Revolution' and the 2022's 'Fury', the new album sees band leader Andy Boulton leading the charge with 14 new tracks of aggressive melodic metal, coupled with the anthemic vocals of Alan Marsh. lIMITED 2lp rED & bLUE VINYL
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