¥ 324
Lea cuidadosamente la descripción del artículo, ya que las fotos pueden no coincidir con el producto real. Ver página original
¥ 324
¥ 0
色 | シルバー |
ブランド | DIANX |
メーカー | DIANX |
メーカー | DIANX |
色 | シルバー |
サイズ | 24.5cm |
ブランド名 | DIANX |
Color: silvery
Material: stainless steel
M: 24.5cm/9.64inch
L: 29.5cm/11.61inch
Package Includes: Stainless Steel Grill Clip*1
1. Stainless steel material, rust-proof and resistant: This product is made of high-quality stainless steel material and has excellent rust resistance, which extends the service life of the product.
2. Worry-free frying, easy to operate: The barbecue clip adopts a user-friendly design, with a comfortable handle and a more stable grip, making it easier and more convenient to barbecue.
3. Elegant and easy to clean: The simple and beautiful appearance makes it easier to clean, making it easier to maintain after use.
4. Wide range of applications, versatile and practical: In addition to grilling, this clip is also suitable for various stir-fry occasions, such as stir-fry dishes, scrambled eggs, and more, making it a versatile and practical tool.
Please understand that color deviation may vary due to different monitor settings.
Due to manual measurement, there will be some errors, which is a normal phenomenon.
If you encounter problems, please inform us at the first time, we will give you the best service and solve the problem at the first time.
¥ 894
¥ 569
¥ 491
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