【当店をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます!】 ◎国内発送の場合◎ 通常、2~3日以内に発送いたします。 期日通りに発送いたしますので、どうぞご安心ください。 ◎米国からの発送の場合◎(重要) 到着には2~4週間かかることがあります。 ご理解のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 ※コンディション説明にも記載がありますが、発送通知後のキャンセルは承れませんので、ご了承ください。 追跡番号は都度変更となりますが、混乱せずにお待ちいただければ、必ずお届けいたします。 責任を持って商品をお届けしますので、到着までしっかりサポートいたします。 【商品の流れについて】 海外の各ショップからオレゴンの倉庫へ納品 オレゴンの倉庫から日本の湘南倉庫へ発送 湘南倉庫で関税の支払い後、ピッキング作業を行います 検品後、順次お客様へ発送 オレゴン付近では、積雪の影響で遅延が発生することがあります。予めご了承ください。 【お客様のメリット】 個人で海外から直接仕入れる場合、 「紛失」「送料が高い」「実物と異なる」などの問題が発生し、対応が難しいことがあります。 当店はAmazonを通じて取引を行う代理店の...【当店をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます!】
海外の各ショップからオレゴンの倉庫へ納品 オレゴンの倉庫から日本の湘南倉庫へ発送 湘南倉庫で関税の支払い後、ピッキング作業を行います 検品後、順次お客様へ発送
Thank you very much for choosing to shop with us!
For domestic shipping: We usually ship within 2-3 days. Rest assured, we will ship your order by the promised date.
For shipping from the U.S. (Important):
It may take 2-4 weeks to arrive.
We appreciate your understanding.
Please note that, as stated in the condition description, cancellations cannot be accepted after the shipping notification is sent.
The tracking number will change each time, so please wait without confusion. We will definitely deliver your order.
We will take full responsibility for delivering your product, and we will support you until it arrives.
Flow of the product:
Delivery from our overseas stores to the Oregon warehouse. Shipping from the Oregon warehouse to the Shonan warehouse in Japan. After customs duties are paid at the Shonan warehouse, the picking process will take place. After inspection, the product will be shipped to the customer in order.
Please note that delays may occur near Oregon due to snowfall. We appreciate your understanding.
Benefits to customers:
When purchasing directly from overseas, issues such as "loss," "high shipping fees," and "items different from the description" may arise, making it difficult to resolve them.
Since our store acts as an intermediary, similar to an Amazon distributor, we handle all transactions through Amazon.
In the rare event of a loss, we will ensure a refund, so you can shop with confidence.
About cancellations:
Cancellations after shipment are generally considered the buyer’s responsibility.
In such cases, a refund will be issued after deducting round-trip shipping fees and labor costs. Thank you for your understanding.
Other important notes:
Shipping fees and customs duties are included in the purchase price, so there are no additional costs for you.For imported products, customs may open the package at the time of clearance. Additionally, there may be damage to the exterior packaging during transportation, so please be aware of this in advance.For returns due to customer reasons, the return shipping cost to overseas, labor costs, and customs duties will be borne by the customer. Thank you for your understanding.