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¥ 15,829

4' X 7'
6.2' X 9.2'
4' X 9'
3' X 3'
4' X 4'
8' X 8'
6.5' X 13'
2' X 7'
Japan Domestic Shipping
主な素材:ポリエステル100%&コーラルフリース。サイズ:3フィート×3フィート(90cm×90cm)(35.5インチ×35.5インチ)。とても柔らかく快適: このモダンなエリアラグは通気性のあるポイントプラスチックで機械織られており、滑り止めの底でラグが滑り落ちるのを防ぎます。 超ソフトで快適で肌に優しいコーラルフリース 抜け毛が信じられないほどソフトな感触です。 安全を確保し、健康に良い。お手入れ簡単で速乾: 強力な吸水力、お手入れ簡単、ほぼ毛抜けないラグ。お手入れ簡単、速乾性、非常に耐久性、ノンスリップ、洗濯機で洗えます。 ポータブルラグとして、外から簡単に汚れを振ることができます。また、低電力の手持ち掃除機で掃除機をかけてください。 洗濯機洗い方法: ラグを冷水で優しく {デリケート} 短サイクルで洗い、平らにして乾燥させてください。多機能 & 使用機会: 100% 非毒性 & 低刺激性で健康に良い。現代的なエリアラグは、あなたの空間に完璧なモダンな雰囲気を加えます。 流行に左右されないデザインでどんな部屋でも目立ちます; 室内装飾、子供の遊び、女性のヨガやペットのカーペットに最適です。 長く愛されるはずです。商品の説明 内容紹介 This book presents works detailing the application of processing and visualization techniques for analyzing the Earth’s subsurface. The topic of the book is interactive data processing and interactive 3D visualization techniques used on subsurface data. Interactive processing of data together with interactive visualization is a powerful combination which has in the recent years become possible due to hardware and algorithm advances in. The combination enables the user to perform interactive exploration and filtering of datasets while simultaneously visualizing the results so that insights can be made immediately. This makes it possible to quickly form hypotheses and draw conclusions.Case studies from the geosciences are not as often presented in the scientific visualization and computer graphics community as e.g., studies on medical, biological or chemical data. This book will give researchers in the field of visualization and computer graphics valuable insight into the open visualization challenges in the geosciences, and how certain problems are currently solved using domain specific processing and visualization techniques. Conversely, readers from the geosciences will gain valuable insight into relevant visualization and interactive processing techniques.Subsurface data has interesting characteristics such as its solid nature, large range of scales and high degree of uncertainty, which makes it challenging to visualize with standard methods. It is also noteworthy that parallel fields of research have taken place in geosciences and in computer graphics, with different terminology when it comes to representing geometry, describing terrains, interpolating data and (example-based) synthesis of data.The domains covered in this book are geology, digital terrains, seismic data, reservoir visualization and CO2 storage. The technologies covered are 3D visualization, visualization of large datasets, 3D modelling, machine learning, virtual reality, seismic interpretation and multidisciplinary collaboration. People within any of these domains and technologies are potential readers of the book. 著者について Daniel Patel received his PhD in interactive visualization and analysis of volumetric data in 2009. The PhD was taken jointly at Vienna University of Technology, Austria and at the University of Bergen, Norway.He has published several works dealing with visualization, interpretation and modelling of geological data.He has worked at Christian Michelsen Research (now NORCE Norwegian Research Centre) for almost 20 years and is now working as CEO of Rapid Geology AS and Associate Professor II at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Earlier, as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the visualization group at the University of Bergen, he was involved in the Geoillustrator research project, which focused on illustrative and sketch-based geological modelling.


メーカー : ‎Springer梱包サイズ : ‎23.5 x 15.6 x 2.9 cm素材 : ‎ポリエステル&ポリエステルブレンド色 : ‎Sd-mo23。サイズ : ‎3' X 3'梱包重量 : ‎0.57 キログラム電池使用 : ‎いいえ電池付属 : ‎いいえブランド名 : ‎MOXIC商品重量 : ‎563 グラムASIN : 303090718XAmazon 売れ筋ランキング : - 377,145位ホーム&キッチンAmazon.co.jp での取り扱い開始日 : 2020/12/30

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