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Curves and Abelian Varieties: International Conference March 30-april 2, 2007 University of Georgia Athens, Georgia (Contemporary Mathematics, 465)
A spring 2007 conference highlighted recent work in the study of curves, abelian varieties, and Hodge structures. Papers from the conference explore classical aspects, varieties with group action and their moduli, Hodge structures and normal functions, log schemes of Illusie-Fontaine-Kato, and tropical geometry. In addition to original articles, the book contains three surveys devoted to singularities of theta divisors, compactified Jacobians of singular curves, and 'strange duality' among moduli spaces of vector bundles on algebraic varieties. Some specific topics covered include isogenous principally polarized abelian surfaces, theta dualities on moduli spaces of sheaves, and universal principally polarized abelian variety of dimension 4. There is no subject index. Annotation 2008 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)