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英語/サイン付き「Toraware囚われ」Robert W. Norris/ロバート・ノリス著 櫂歌書房 1998年


¥ 1,400

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發貨週期1〜2 日發貨(僅供參考)
英語/サイン付き「Toraware/囚われ」Robert W. Norris/ロバート・ノリス著 Touka Shobo/櫂歌書房 1998年初版 325頁 1300円/US $11.95 20.9×14×1.8㎝ 0.38㎏ Paperback * 扉に著者献辞があります。 【内容紹介】The Kobe-Osaka area in 1983. A 33-year-old American drifter and Vietnam War veteran has just arrived in Japan seeking one more adventure and an escape from his past. A promiscuous, rebellious, 23-year-old Japanese woman has just returned from a two-year homestay in a Canadian mission, where she was sent by her parents to cure her suicidal behavior. A snobbish, upper-class, 22-year-old Japanese woman who cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality is about to graduate from university and enter the frightening world of adulthood. Three people searching for a place to belong. Three people dancing on a psychological highwire. Three people about to become enmeshed in a relationship that will change each of their lives forever. "Goes beyond the gaijin experience...evokes the rootlessness felt by young Japanese uncertain about their future."--The Japan Times "Crafted in excellent style and patiently honed...the Japanese characters are wholly convincing."--Kansai Time Out Magazine 【著者紹介】Robert W. Norris was born and raised in Humboldt County, California, where he played basketball in high school and junior college. In 1969 he entered the Air Force, subsequently became a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War, and served time in a military prison for refusing to fight in the war. In his twenties he roamed across the United States, went to Europe twice, and made one journey around the world. During that time, he worked as a millhand, construction laborer, stevedore, baker, saute cook, and oilrig steward. Norris has lived and taught English in Japan since 1983. He has an M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from Newport University in Newport Beach, California. He is the author of "Toraware," a novel about the obsessive relationship of three misfits from different cultural backgrounds in 1980s Kobe, Japan; "The Many Roads to Japan," a novella/ESL textbook about a conscientious objector?s 14-year search for identity; and several articles on teaching English as a foreign language. He and his wife live near Fukuoka, Japan, where he is a professor and dean of students at Fukuoka International University. 【ムーブより】『良心的兵役拒否兵』、ロバート・ノリス氏(53)は作家になり、福岡国際大学の助教授に落ち着いた。「 空軍なら銃を取ることは少ない」と18歳で 入隊したが、ベトナムで戦うことを拒否。軍法会議にかけられ、懲役に服した 。その後、社会に冷遇され、イスラム圏などをヒッピー旅行。そして、流れ着いた 日本に「居場所」を見つけ、21年にな る。時奇しくも、日本が9条を蔑ろに参戦したイラク戦争は、ベトナム戦争の如く泥沼化しつつある。ロバートは来日当初 に住んでいた阪神間に、反 戦脱走兵を支援した元『べ平連』代表で作家の小田実氏を訪ねる。「日米が標榜する自由と民主 主義はマヤカシ。戦争に協力しないと非国民呼ばわりされる社会 を再来させてはならない」。二人は時代へのアピールを唱 和する。彼が英語と『アメリカの文化と社会』を教えている学生は、自分が兵役拒否した年齢と同じくらい。私小説『The Many Roads to Japan』は自校だけでなく、国立大学でもテキストに採用されている。彼はいま、“等身大の教材”を前に自 己に目覚めた学生と一緒に、今夏ベトナム・ス タディツアーに行く準備を進めている。「田舎の若者が不安と非難のなか貫 いた決断」を、35年振りに確認するために。 【商品状態】経年により中古感があり、三方ヤケヨゴレ、表紙軽スレ、扉に著者献辞年月日があります。装丁はしっかりしてお り、中は書き込み等はなく(見落としがありましたらご容赦ください)、概ね並の状態です。本書が中古書であることをご了 承の上お買い上げくださいますようお願いいたします。 9101710105
