Larousse wine ワイン本
Larousse wine ワイン本
Larousse wine ワイン本
Larousse wine ワイン本
Larousse wine ワイン本
Larousse wine ワイン本
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Larousse wine ワイン本


¥ 2,900

Japan Domestic ShippingFree
Ship From神奈川県
Shipping EstimateShips within 2〜3 days (for reference only)
Shipping InsuranceYes
英語のワイン本です。 写真もかなり充実していて、見た目もかっこいいので、インテリアとしても良いです。 アメリカで60ドル(約9500円)でした。 WSETやソムリエ、ワインエキスパート試験対策としても有効です。 Larousse Wine's comprehensive coverage of the wine-producing regions of the world is invaluable. Each section begins with it a beautiful color illustration of the area, with the major districts, rivers, and cities highlighted. A short history and analysis of each region follows, with a discussion of the types of wines produced in each district, the specific oenological properties that make the region unique, and the appellations of the area. Boxes and features throughout also cover a vast range of subjects such as how to read a wine label, whether to decant wine, and even the great wine waiters of the world. Whether you are new to the subject or a seasoned wine enthusiast, there is something new for everyone in LarousseWine.Larousse Wine. ブランド:ー

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