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〇80歳で昨年亡くなった父の遺品になります。父が生涯をかけて集めたジャズのレコードをお譲りいたします。父と同じくジャズがお好きな方にお譲りしたいです。(These are belongings of my father, who passed away last year at the age of 80.
They are the jazz vinyls/records he devoted his life to collecting. I would like to pass them on to someone who loves jazz just as he did.)
〇父は80歳という昔の人間なので、物をとても丁寧に取り扱う人でした。これらのレコードもとても丁寧に保管しておりました。(My father was from an older generation (he was 80 years old) and he took great care of his belongings. He also stored these vinyls/records very carefully.)
但し、まとめての出品ですのでノークレームノーリターンでお願いいたします。(Most of the vinyls/records’ surfaces are in unblemished "mint" or "near mint" condition. A small number are at a level one might call “excellent+” or “excellent” I believe most of the vinyl/record jackets are also generally in good shape. However, since these are being sold as a set, please note that all sales are final (no claims or returns).)
◆ゆうパック = (発送元:大阪/サイズ:100)