発行 UK /1997年 / サイズ29 × 22センチ
/56ページぐらい/ ● 状態 おおむね良好 。●
Resonance Volume 5 Number 2
1a Intro - No Fiture
1b Random Is My Religion - No Fiture
1c Speed Is The Sound Of Nothingness - No Fiture
1d Why Don't You Buy A Japanese Record? - No Fiture
2 Resonance - Willem De Ridder & Andrew McKenzie 10:02
3 Please Mr Coldstream - Lotta Erickson 9:02
4 Needle Drop - Gregory Whitehead 2:21
5 Fast Talk - Negativland 7:37
6 Movie Idea - Ken Nordine 2:42
7 We Love You Dave - Noiseless Blackboard Eraser 7:22
8 Paganini's Last Testimony (Extract) - Jon Rose 8:31
9 Chicken Soup - Campbell Playhouse 1:40
10 Millenium Parts I-III - Hakim Bey 8:30
11 Two Small Boys Go Shopping - Peter Cusack 5:20
12 Improvisation - Zoviet France & Evan Parker 7:34
13 Here Comes Everybody - Gregory Whitehead & Dan Lander 2:15