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Four Pillars of Destiny: Potential, Career, and Wealth Jerry King 英文 四柱推命 命理 占い 財運・健康運 190609
¥ 8,800
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■□Four Pillars of Destiny: Potential, Career, and Wealth Jerry King 英文□■ | |
■商品説明■ | 【著者】Jerry King 【発行社】Createspace Independent Pub 【内容】四柱推命に関する英文書籍です。 【状態】表紙にスレあり。本文の経年ヤケは気にならない程度です。その他、書き込み、破れなどは見当たらず、古書としては良い状態だと思います。(見落としはご容赦願います) 【目次】 Author's Preface Chapter 1. ・Introduction ・Life's Blue Print ・Four Pillars ・Studying Four Pillars ・Five Element Theory ・Characters and Symbols in Four Pillars ・Seasons ・Combinations ・Directional and Harmony Conbinations ・Climate and Birth Location Chapter 2. ・Cosmic Identity ・How Do We Determine Flow? ・Classification Spectrum(論格) ・Surrender to Killings(論従殺格) ・Follow Offspring(論従児格) ・Follow Wealth(論従財格) ・Child of Many Mothers(母旺子孤格) ・Dominant Self(専旺格) ・The Useful God(用神) ・Support or Restrain(扶抑) ・Adjust(調侯) ・Bridge(通関) ・More on the Useful God ・Sentimental and Suitable Useful God(用神有情無情) ・Unification of the Useful God(用神団結) ・Strong or Weak Useful God(用神有力無力) ・Real or Fake and Floating or Solidified(真仮虚実) ・Pure or Polluted(清濁) ・Summary Chapter 3. ・Talent and Potential ・Leadership and Managerial Capabilities ・Potential ・Direct Officer(正官) ・Seven Killing/Indirect Officer(七殺) ・Direct Resources(正印) ・Indirect Resources(偏印) ・IndirectWealth(偏財) ・Direct Wealth(正財) ・Eating God(食神) ・Hurting Officer(傷官) ・Friend(比肩) ・Rob Wealth(劫財) ・Qualities of the Ten Gods ・Summary Chapter 4. ・Scholars, Writers and Entrepreneurs ・Writers and Thinkers ・The Wealth Element ・Summary Chapter 5. ・Theories and Special Charts ・Theories of the Seven Killings(論七殺) ・Mixed of Officer and Seven Killings(官殺混雑) ・Eating God Controlling the Killings Classification(食神制殺格) ・Disperse Killing Chart(化殺格) ・Hurting Officer Accompanied by Resources Classification ・Three Wondrous Formation ・Cycle Pattern ・Starting a Business ・The Faces at CNBC ・Summary Chapter 6. ・Career Choices ・Professions ・Summary Chapter 7. ・Combinations Revisited ・Qestions - Four Pillars of Destiny: A Guide to Relationships Conclusion Q&A Session with Jerry King Appendix References |
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