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超希少番手美品 ダイワ 12 イグジスト 3012 SLP RCS メガバス リン ラビット エアリティ セルテート 3012H 22 18 15 05 2506 2508 2510 LT

Current Price

¥ 89,980

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3.05-3.09, JDirectItems Auction +Amazon ¥200 + ¥600 off! 3.05-3.07, Mercari+Rakuma Up to¥1,800+10% OFF! 3.04-3.10, Lashinbang+ minne ¥600 OFF! 3.01-3.31, One "0 Proxy Fee" coupon daily!
Item Information
  • Item Status
    No apparent damage/stain
  • Japan Domestic Shipping
    Based on actual arrival at the warehouse
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  • Early Finish
  • Starting Price
    89,980 JPY
  • Bid Increment
    1,000 JPY
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Item Name
超希少番手美品 ダイワ 12 イグジスト 3012 SLP RCS メガバス リン ラビット エアリティ セルテート 3012H 22 18 15 05 2506 2508 2510 LT
Item Description
・ダイワ DAIWA
12イグジスト EXIST 3012

重量というノイズを極限まで取り払うと、これまで感じ取れなかった微弱な信号の存在に気付かされます。この軽さだから成し得た、未知の領域の高感度。「NEW EXISTでなければ聞こえない音」を聞いてください。軽さと剛性でマグネシウムを超える新素材。ZAIONだからこそ成し得た圧倒的な軽さ。スピニングリールの近未来を体現する独創的アーチフォルム。軽さと滑らかさがもたらす、ひとつ上の感度。水を征して、ともに過酷なフィールドへ。磁力で内部機構を保護するという、大胆な発想。ラインローラー部もマグシールド化することで耐久性、回転性能ともに向上。鋼のようなボディに宿る強心臓。強靱なギヤを高強度&高精度ボディでしっかりと支える。つねにトップコンディション。

・12EXIST 3012

I am reminded by the existence of the feeble signal which I was not able to take in so far that I take away a noise of the weight to the maximum. The high sensitivity of the unknown domain that I was able to form because it was this lightness. Please hear "a sound not to hear if it is not NEW EXIST". It is new material more than magnesium with lightness and rigidity. The overwhelming lightness that I was able to make simply because it was ZAION. The original arch form which embodies in near future of the spinning reel. Sensitivity in one which lightness and fluency bring. Conquer the water, and to the field severe together. A bold idea to protect internal mechanism by magnetic force. Because the line roller part becomes the mug shield, the durability, rotary performance improve together. The strong heart which dwells in a body such as the steel. I support a tough gear with high strength & high precision body well. It is always top condition.

・12EXIST 3012
The line ability is PE1.5 -200m, nylon 12lb-150m. Middle size to be able to aim at to a dorado, a bonito, small bluish-skinned fish other than the sea bus in the surf and beach ground. There are standard specifications of gear ratio 4.8 and high gear specifications of 5.6, and is most suitable by how to catch and an object fish; wind it off, and is selectable at speed. I show power for the large-scale trout aims such as Oncorhynchus masou and Satsuki trout, the sea candy by the fishing of the fresh water.




